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Why Self-Adhered Underlayment Provides Better Wind Uplift Resistance

self-adhered underlayment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it comes to protecting your home from the elements, your roof has the most important job. A strong and durable roofing system is essential in areas prone to high winds and storms, such as Coral Springs.

One key element in ensuring a robust roof is underlayment. Self-adhered underlayment has gained popularity due to its superior wind uplift resistance. In this article, we’ll look at why self-adhered underlayment provides better wind uplift resistance than other options.

What Is Self-Adhered Underlayment?

Self-adhered underlayment is a combination of asphalt flux and reinforced fiberglass. This is combined with self-adhesive backing. It’s designed to be applied directly to the roof deck, before the installation of the final roofing material. Underlayment is manufactured with a peel-and-stick application, allowing it to adhere to the roof deck.

Benefits Of Self-Adhered Underlayment

This innovative product from Tag & Stick has so much going for it, such as the following factors:

Enhanced Bonding

Self-adhered underlayment provides superior wind uplift resistance because of its enhanced bonding properties. A superior self-adhered underlayment, such as Tag & Stick, consists of two layers. This makes it twice as thick as the competitors. It creates a tight bond and a robust barrier against wind forces. The adhesive forms a continuous seal around the fasteners, preventing rain from entering the roof system.

Resistance To Wind-Driven Rain

The South Florida Annual rainfall pattern boasts around 52 to 53 inches a year! Combine this with strong winds and wind-driven rain, it can be a significant concern. A high-quality underlayment provides an extra layer of protection by acting as a waterproof barrier.

The self-adhesive nature of Tag & Stick underlayment creates a continuous and watertight seal on your roof. This helps prevent water infiltration even in the face of strong winds. By keeping the underlying structure dry, the underlayment helps maintain the integrity of the roof system. This reduces the risk of water damage and leaks.

High Flexibility

Another advantage of self-adhered underlayment is its flexibility and high-temperature resistance. The combination of asphalt flux and reinforced fiberglass allows it to expand and contract. The flexibility helps to prevent the underlayment from cracking during extreme weather conditions.

Additionally, self-adhered underlayment can withstand high temperatures without degradation. This makes it well suited for the South Florida climate.

Ease Of Installation

Self-adhered underlayment is quite easy to install when compared to competitors. The peel-and-stick application simplifies the process, saving both time and effort. Tag & Stick boasts the fastest underlayment install time on the market currently. How is this possible? Simple: there is no need for hot mopping or back nailing. This also reduces the number of penetrations in the roof deck and potential weak points.

The easy installation process reduces risk, ensuring a consistent and reliable application. It also means that the underlayment is installed quicker in the case of looming storms.

Long-Term Performance

Self-adhered underlayment has been proven to provide long-term performance. Tag & Stick’s durability allows it to be left in the dry stage for months without leaking. It’s even resistant to foot traffic in the dry stage. It also meets all the South Florida Building Code and severe wind uplift code requirements. Tag & Stick boasts superior wind uplift ratings than the codified 30/90 hot mop.

The Premier Self-Adhered Underlayment In Coral Springs

When it comes to protecting your roof from high winds, Tag & Stick underlayment is the best choice for roofers. It’s quick to install, durable, and safe to use. Tag & Stick has a proven track record of over 25 years of experience and is a trusted underlayment among roofers. Call Tag & Stick at 954 255-3107 to chat with our friendly team.

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A proven mechanical attachment with self-adhering technology that can be installed with any steep slope roofing products.

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